Saturday 4 June 2016

imbalance poster

Imbalances Typography Poster 5037 Yeri Hwang
The main idea of imbalance that I focused on this poster was “Imbalances of power and communication.” Today, power imbalances can affect communication in a variety of ways at the work place, imbalance of manager and employees even at the school class.
Power imbalances are inescapable. Most social workers will work within very hierarchical structures, within which they are expected to maintain agency procedures, and be accountable for their work to several layers of line management.
Therefore, It is important, for us as social workers to be highly sensitive to the complex dynamics of power relationships. We have to be able to recognise power imbalances where they exist, and learn how to act appropriately and confidently within them.
The design principle that I’ve been followed for this poster was understanding the importance of symmetry and hiracey. To keep consistency all of the elements I have tried to make a difference by using the sizing, placing and bold and regular letter.
I believe my poster is simple yet strong feeling to the audience. and it has a clear balance between every components. It is essential to create the poster readable and reliable, to do that I applied tracking and justify aligned when It’s needed.

I think my poster came out with good arrangement of text in space.
Asymmetry can make designs more interesting overall, but it serves another primary purpose: to grab attention and create visual hierarchy. Sometimes a design can intentionally be thrown off balance to direct the viewer’s eyes to a certain area.

Colour that I’ve used was just black and white. I believe black and white makes perfect beauty and It works well the didot typeface.
The didot typeface was developed in Paris in 1783, It defines the characteristics of the modern type style. This new typeface featured stems flowing into extremely thin hairlines, and very straight across serifs with no bracketing. They look really eye- catching and very elegant at large sizes and are frequently used to denote values of exclusivity and sophistication.
Throughout this assessment it helps me to understand the importance of to demonstrate ability in implementing the layout foundations rules and correlate these results with theme of the project. 

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