Saturday 4 June 2016

coffee house logo

Client :
Zacharyu Avenue Cafe and Coffee House.
This cafe serves gourmet-brunch and the take-out coffee. They are expecting their target market as younger, urban professional.

For this logo, My concept was keep it simple and classy. I wanted to create the mordern look style of logo.
To do that, the font that I’ve chosen is bold and mordern logo
instead of using handwriting or fancy typography, this will grab attention to the customers.
Since, I had to chose 3 different kinds of typography, I foused on
keeping balance between colours and logo type it self. I believe the result came out clean and bold.

The core idea for the logo design is an importance of balancing and combination of simple and quirky. I tried to create the logo to be
interesting, but easy to understand and readable. 

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